Friday, June 11, 2021

Monday 14 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 14 June 2021.

Technological snarls are likely when the Moon forms a square to Uranus at 12:27 PM PDT. So, if you have something important to do, make sure it's done long before this aspect hits.

Diplomacy with bosses or other important people is probably a good idea when the Moon opposes Saturn at 12:28 PM PDT. 

Then bosses and technology become a problem when Saturn forms a square to Uranus at 3:01 PM PDT. Be prepared for shocks and or surprises today. 😕

Communication gets a gentle boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury at 9:58 PM PDT--and then we call it a day.

If you could use a second look at Sunday's aspects, look here. Need to know what kind of shenanigans are likely to hit the news this week? I've got you covered with the divination report here. And if what you would really like is a sneak peak at your love life and other important matters, schedule a session with me here.

Have a great start to your work week and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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