Friday, June 11, 2021

Divination 13 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 13 June 2021.

So, what do we have in the news for the week ahead? A gift is disrupted due to news about someone or something untrustworthy (flowers, rod, star, snake). The gift that is blocked would have led to someone's stability (bouquet, mountain, anchor). Whatever the news is, it creates disruption with regards to success (rod, rider, Sun). At the end of the day, the whole matter has something to do with someone's attempts at maintaining home and family stability being untrustworthy (star, snake, house). Whoever we're talking about here was probably aiming for stability, success and the creation of home and family stability--epic fail. (anchor, Sun and house).

Just another day in paradise...

And if you're looking to find out where your paradise is, schedule a session with me here. Did you miss Sunday's aspects? You will find them here

Thank you so much for joining me here. You are deeply appreciated. Please pass on to friends who you think might find this helpful and I will see you here tomorrow!


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