Friday, June 18, 2021

Monday 21 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 21 June 2021.

Obstacles with work/business, bosses, or other authority figures is a distinct possibility when the Moon forms a square to Saturn at 2:08 AM PDT.

Eccentric people, tech snafus and or general disruptive situations require diplomatic handling when the Moon opposes Uranus at 3:02 AM PDT.

Love and spirituality combine to create a most excellent vibe when Venus forms a trine to Neptune at 6:57 AM PDT. It might be worth it to awaken early for dance, music studies, meditation or your yoga practice, just to catch the vibe!

However, we do have another chance at meditation, prayer and other spiritual practices when the Moon forms a trine to Neptune at 6:57 PM PDT.

Love, business concerns, beauty rituals and money hit a sweet spot as well when the Moon forms a trine to Venus at 8:01 PM PDT. Don't forget to let the special people in your life know exactly how much they mean to you now!

The Moon forms a sextile to Pluto at 11:43 PM PDT and is then void of course until 5:55 AM PDT Tuesday. As always, avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon changes signs!

If you would care to see this week's divination report, you will find it here. And if you need a second look at Sunday's aspects, check that out here. Ready to see what your own astrological energies look like for the rest of 2021? Schedule a session with me here!

Thank you so much for being here--as always, I deeply appreciate you visiting and I will see you here tomorrow!


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