Friday, June 18, 2021

Divination 20 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 20 June 2021.

We begin with someone having little luck with a secret (or a book) from the past (clover, star, book). The secret or book was related to an institution and forethought (book, ship, tower). But a document, success, money and the institution are all cut (letter, Sun, money, fish and tower). And the poor soul being discussed here is completely out of gas.

I wonder if this has to do with Matt Gaetz? We shall see...

Wondering what the cards foresee for you? Schedule a session with me here. And if you need to see Sunday's astrological aspects, you will find them here.

Wishing you a much better week than the poor soul hinted at in this week's divination report and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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