Friday, June 11, 2021

Sunday 13 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 13 June 2021.

The Moon opposes Pluto at 4:16 AM PDT and is immediately void of course. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon enters Leo at 11:22 AM PDT. This Moon transit is great for charisma, taking command or having confidence, passion and showmanship.

Later the Moon conjoins Mars at 2:07 PM PDT and it's go man go! This aspect is great for ambition, new beginnings, taking bold action and growth.

Creativity could turn into obstacles and or deceptive behavior when the Sun squares Neptune at 4:39 PM PDT. Not sure what's true? Give things some time so you can sort out whats true--and perhaps more importantly, what's not.

And that's a wrap for Sunday.

Looking for Saturday's aspects? You will find them here. And if you're ready to stretch your own creative muscles, but aren't sure which direction to look, schedule a session with me here and we'll see what your astrological chart has to say!

Wishing you a delightful and happy Sunday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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