Friday, June 18, 2021

Sunday 20 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 20 June 2021.

The Moon forms a trine to the Sun at 3:52 AM PDT and is then immediately void of course until 4:58 AM PDT when it enters Scorpio. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the void period. This Moon transit is great for passion, leadership, regeneration, sexual energy and willpower.

Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius stations retrograde at 8:05 AM PDT. Situations involving legal concerns, government, learning, and positive change may be somewhat stymied until Jupiter returns to forward motion. Want to see the retrogrades for the year? You will find them here.

Just a wee bit later, the Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 8:35. Ordinarily this would be great for the aforementioned concerns (government, learning, and positive change, not to mention legal matters), but as I have already mentioned, those situations may run into snags. So, be prepared...

Obstacles and challenges to taking action, growth, and ambitions may be stymied, leading to frustrations and even anger when the Moon forms a square to Mars at 2:29 PM PDT. Keep a weather eye out for frustrated individuals and give them a wide berth now.

Happy Birthday Cancer 😃! The Sun enters Cancer at 8:32 AM PDT.

And that's a wrap for Sunday!

Is there something you'd like to see here on the blog that's missing? Leave me a comment below!

Ready to have an energetic check up for the second half of 2021? You can schedule a session with me here.

How about the aspects for Saturday? Check them out here.

Wishing you ease on this somewhat tumultuous Sunday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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