Saturday, June 26, 2021

Thursday 1 July 2021

Welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 1 July 2021.

A trine between the Moon and Venus at 4:22 AM PDT gives a big boost to love, money, business, creativity, and personal income, so take advantage if you can.

Later a tricky opposition between Mars and Saturn at 6:08 AM PDT could get our work day off to a bumpy start. Stay out of trouble with the boss. Employ any anger management issues or the need to organize and or structure everything for now. Just let things ride, be diplomatic and whatever this is in your world will eventually shall pass.

The Last Quarter Moon (at 10 degrees of Aries) arrives at 2:11 PM PDT creating possible obstacles related to love, money, issues around orerdliness, patience and security. If you have planets at 10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, or Capricorn--this one's for you. Diplomacy is your best bet if you run into trouble, rather than starting an all out war.

We get a gentle boost for organizing things when the Moon forms a sextile to Saturn at 6:15 PM PDT. Anything having to do with business, discipline oriented activities, defense or building structure will work here. Just remember it's a gentle boost.

Hit the gym, work on engineering projects, and or employ determination when the Moon forms a trine to Mars at 6:58 PM PDT. (I know, it runs right into the previous aspect, so combine the possible activities to best advanatage--this is the better aspect). Just remember, stay busy and avoid getting into arguments, that's the plan!

And that's all for today!

Could you use a healing boost or a reading? Schedule a Reiki session or some divination work here.
Did you miss Wednesday's aspects? You will find them here. And if there's something you'd like to see here on the blog, drop me a comment below!

Have a fantastic Thursday and I will see you here again tomorrow!


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