Saturday, June 26, 2021

Friday 2 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 2 July 2021.

Healing from anger management issues + Dad and or male trauma is the thing when Mars forms a trine to Chiron at 1:41 AM PDT. Reviewing past relationships with males and how they impacted you is an ideal project Thursday evening before heading off to bed. 

Later some light communication or travel is supported by a Moon/Mercury sextile at 9:12 AM PDT. 

And then the Moon forms a rather ominous square to Pluto at 9:15 PM PDT and is then void of course until 5:`28 AM PDT. This is not a nice or especially safe aspect. Obstacles and anger management issues could be a thing. So, avoid engaging in important activities and stay away from questionable locations/people for the next 24 hours.

And that, fortunately, is a wrap for Friday.

Wishing you had a way to know what paths are key for you in this second half of 2021? Schedule a session with me and let's see where expansion wants to happen for you. If you would like a review of Wednesday's aspects, you will find them here.

And I will see you back here tomorrow to check out what Saturday has up its sleeve for humanity. See you then!


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