Monday, June 14, 2021

Thursday 17 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 17 June 2021.

We begin with obstructions to communications and possibly travel when the Moon forms a square to Mercury at 3:16 AM PDT. So, heads up if you need to be somewhere in the wee hours of the morning.

A sextile between the Moon and Venus at 5:07 AM PDT gives a gentle boost to love, money and business matters--if you're up that is.

The Moon forms an opposition to Neptune at 1:54 PM PDT, causing a potential for duplicity. If you're not sure of someone or anything you hear at this time, make a mental note of the person or matter for future reference, but avoid confrontations if at all possible.

Later a trine between the Moon and Pluto at 7:18 PM PDT is great for taking transformative action, making power moves or dealing with powerful individuals. The timing isn't terrific here, so keep in mind that all aspect times given on this blog are the time aspects become exact. So, there's a waxing and waning of the energies. This way you can take action as you see fit.

The First Quarter Moon arrives at 8:54 PM PDT and the Moon is then void of course. Be prepared for obstacles to present at this time especially if you have planets at or near 27 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces or Gemini--or the first several degrees of Libra. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon enters Libra at 1:53 AM PDT.

And that's a wrap for Thursday folks!

Ready to take a look at what the planets have to say about you personally? Schedule a private session with me. Need to see Wednesday's aspects, check them out here.

Take good care folks and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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