Friday, June 11, 2021

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 16 June 2021.

An opposition between the Moon and Jupiter at 12:00 AM PDT suggests you could hear some whoppers from some source in the middle of the night. Diplomacy is your best bet for the time being. This is especially so in situations that involve legal concerns, dealings with people at or form a distance, foreign travel and or higher education.

Later, much later the Moon forms a trine Uranus at 8:07 PM PDT--techies and gamers unite! This is a great aspect for either group, or anyone else who works with technology.

And that's all for Wednesday.

Wishing you had a way to know what path forward was best for you? No problem, schedule a session with me here and find out what you need to know. And if you would like to see Tuesday's aspects...yeah, here they are 😐

Have a fabulous Wednesday and I will see you here tomorrow!


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