Friday, June 18, 2021

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 23 June 2021.

We begin with an organizing and disciplining sextile between the Moon and Saturn at 2:25 AM PDT. If you happen to be up, this aspect is good for business dealings, work with institutions or projects that require longevity.

Just a tiny bit later the Sun forms a trine to Jupiter at 2:52 AM PDT. This is an amazing creative, expansive aspect that supports prosperity, business, intuition and perhaps even a bit of fame--if you're up that is!

Diplomatic communications are best when the Moon opposes Mercury at 7:50 AM PDT. This is especially so in matters concerning business, contracts, correspondence of all sorts and anything having to do with money.

A power struggle over money or love/sex is possible when Venus opposes Pluto at 4:39 PM PDT. Again, diplomacy is probably the best way to handle any problems that crop up now, especially with Pluto in the mix.

Deceptive people and or situations are a possibility when the Moon opposes Neptune at 7:09 PM PDT. This tendency is exacerbated by the void Moon period that starts now. As always, avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon changes signs Thursday at 6:05 AM PDT. You can always deal with miscreants at a later date when the aspects support you doing so!

That last aspect doesn't have to prevent you from doing some reading or other self healing work when Saturn forms a sextile to Chiron at 9:30 PM PDT. Dad issues, bad boss issues and any other drama might benefit from doing some reading or other healing work now.

And that's all for Wednesday.

Wishing you had some idea of what your life path and or strategy should be? How about an astrology session? You can schedule with me here. Want to take a look at Tuesday's aspects? Check 'em out here

Wishing you an easy, self care Wednesday and I will see you back here.


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