Saturday, July 10, 2021

Divination 11 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 11 July 2021.

This week it looks like a young and or inexperienced person gets the axe this week. We may as well start where the action is and that's the path for a young/inexperienced person + their success is cut (path, child, Sun, scythe). If you have been following the divination report for awhile, then you already know this is virutally synonymous with tRump. This could also mean a problem for his children.

Apparently secret powerful friends and or loved ones are offering the young/inexperienced person as a gift (book, bear, heart, bouquet). We already know the tRump organization and the family are already in a lot of hot water. This could be an offer that the powers that be offer to someone close to tRump or his children, or even that one of his own kids is his undoing. Either way, stay tuned, it could be an interesting week!

If you need to look at the more 'interesting' things happening in your world, schedule a session with me here. And check out Sunday's aspects here if you need to stay in the know. Got something you would like to see here on the blog? Drop a comment below and I will see what I can do.

Thank you for being here. As always, I deeply appreciate you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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