Saturday, July 10, 2021

Monday 12 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 12 July 2021.

It's an interesting day that begins with a Moon/Venus conjunction at 4:14 AM PDT. This is a great boost to love and money, so you might want to get up early to take advantage. Especially if you live in the PDT zone.

The Moon conjoins Mars at 5:29 AM PDT and is immediately void of course (boo 😑). As always remember to avoid engaging in important matters until after the void period ends Tuesday at 1:30 AM PDT 😑. I can't with these lengthy void periods 😕

Later the Universe sticks its tongue out at us by giving us an amazing Mercury trine to Jupiter at 12:45 PM PDT. The trick to this is to do your important communications earlier--perhaps late Sunday, evening and hope they get some lift off from this aspect then. Why you ask? This aspect during a void period is of no help. But remember, the aspect times given are when the planets are exact, so that means the last aspect is in process already--just not exactly trine. The same as when you're on your way home...just not quite there yet. 

And that's a wrap for Monday my friends. Watch the start of your work week as the void Moon could make things a bit challenging.

If you have are having personal challenges (love, money, what have you), schedule a session with me here. Need to check out Sunday's aspects? See them here

Thank you for joining me here and I will see you again here tomorrow.


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