Friday, July 2, 2021

Divination 4 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 4 July 2021.

It looks like this week's news cycle focuses on the shenanigans of sneaky, powerful people and their friends again. We begin with letters/documents and powerful agreement(s) being blocked (letter, bear, ring, mountain). This is a past concern since it is in the far left column.

What causes the obstacles you might ask? News and public interest is the reason for the block (star, garden, mountain).

A friend is confused about the whole sneaky mess (clouds, dog, fox) and all of this looks like it came about because of public interest in documents that reveal sneaky behavior (letters, garden, fox). Sounds like the tRump organization/Weisselberg fiasco. Get your popcorn and enjoy the show!

Hopefully you have much better things happening for you personally. If you'd like to take a look at your finances or anything else that you value, schedule a session with me here. Need to check out Sunday's aspects? You will find them here

Thank you so much for joining me here--I appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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