Friday, July 2, 2021

Sunday 4 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 4 July 2021.

Happy 4th of July to all who are celebrating and let's just hop right into the forecast!

Obstacles and challenges related to career and bosses are likely when the Moon squares Saturn at 6:06 AM PDT, so come prepared. Business concerns, debt and situations requiring discipline and or restrictions are also likely to be problematic.

The Moon forms a sextile to the Sun at 7:26 AM PDT giving a gentle boost to things involving creativity, intuition, taking action, government action and prosperity.

Obstacles to doing healing work/inner child healing are likely when the Moon forms a square to Chiron 8:39 AM PDT. This may create problems with home and family concerns, young people and romantic relationships as well.

The Moon conjoins Uranus at 9:41 AM PDT bringing potential shocks, surprises and ingenious ideas. Tech work and gaming benefit from this aspect, as does work you may do to create stability, add to your knowledge base or work in the sciences. Note: this is as good as the aspects get today. 😐

Obstacles may create frustration and anger management issues when the Moon forms a square to Mars at 10:28 AM PDT. This isn't a good time to push people's buttons and since it's the last aspect of the day, you might just want to take it easy the rest of today. Pushing agenda's could backfire in a major way, unfortunately.

What a motely collection of aspects so early in the day!

If you would like to see what Saturday's aspects offer, you will find them here. Schedule a session with me here if you'd like to look into personal concerns, financial opportunities, etc.

Wishing you a smooth passage thru today's planetary energies and I will see you here tomorrow!


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