Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Friday 16 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 16 July 2021.

Today's very short forecast begins with a discipline oriented trine between the Moon and Saturn at 3:33 AM PDT. On the off chance that you're up and working, this aspect is actually very good for mananging business affairs. And also anything pertaining to one's ambitions/taking care of slow developing projects.

Much later the Moon forms a sextile to Mars at 10:04 PM PDT--also not great for sleeping, but might be great for a romantic rendezvous, taking steps to protect oneself or working on projects pertaining to your ambitions.

And that's a wrap for Friday. 

Need to take a look at Thursday's aspects? You will find them here. And if your relationship--or lack of one, has you in a quandry, schedule a session for yourself here. I look forward to serving you.

Have a wonderful Friday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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