Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Thursday 15 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological report for Thursday 15 July 2021.

Creativity and intuition join together for a major boost when the Sun forms a trine to Neptune at 1:49 AM PDT (probably best for those in Europe and night owls). If you're working on a creative project that requires inspiration, you might want to burn some midnight oil tonight. Jot down ideas now--because the Moon will be void later...

The Moon enters Libra at 7:31 AM PDT and anything having to do with beauty, relationships, or justice (to name a few things) is up for our attention now.

Chiron stations retrograde at 7:50 AM PDT and now would be a good time to revisit your personal healing practices and those situations in your life where healing might be needed. When Chiron stops back spinning, (19 December 2021) put your new personal healing practices into action.

Obstacles to transportation and communication arrive when the Moon forms a square to the Mercury at 7:09 PM PDT. Now might not be a good time to engage others in serious communications. Serously

Later Venus quincunx Neptune at 11:41 PM PDT could cause confusion around love concerns and even spirituality. All may not be what it seems with money also, so bide your time before making major moves or engaging others on these topics.

And that's all for Thursday.

Are you new here? Learn a bit about me here. Could you use some insights into personal relationship matters, or anything else? Schedule a session with me here. And if you missed Wednesday's aspects, check them out right here.

I send you wishes for peace and healing for Thursday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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