Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Friday 30 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 30 July 2021.

Be prepared to deal with early morning power struggles when the Moon forms a square to Pluto at 3:44 AM PDT. Bosses and bullies will likely try to throw their weight around now. Don't try to go toe to toe with them, as it will probably not end well.

Fluctuations around authority figures, males/those who carry a lot of male energy + money are possible when Venus forms a quincunx to Saturn at 9:27 AM PDT. You may find the aforementioned individuals give you confusing or mixed messages around love, money and or work issues. They may not really know what to do or when to do it. Use your intuition if you're in doubt about what to do now.

The Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter at 12:38 PM PDT and then is immediately void of course. It's a brief period though, as the Moon enters Taurus at 1:08 PM PDT and our focus shifts to what we value, including money, beauty, love and all other Venutian themed activities.

Hit the gym or engage in other physical activities when the Moon forms a trine to Mars at 2:26 PM PDT. It's a great way to work off some steam from the last couple of days worth of challenging aspects. 

And that's a wrap for Friday.

Check out Thursday's aspects here, if you need to catch up. And if you have concerns about love, money or anything else, schedule a reading with me here.

Wishing you a great Friday and an even better weekend and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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