Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Saturday 31 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 31 July 2021.

The Moon square Mercury at 3:24 AM PDT causes obstacles to communications and potentially in travel around your local area as well. Keep this in mind if you're out and about in the wee hours of the morning.

The Last Quarter Moon (at 10 degrees of Taurus) arrives at 6:16 AM PDT and you will want to keep a weather eye out for issues around money or love relationships the next couple of days or so.

Bosses and other authority figures could be a source of obstacles for you when the Moon forms a square to Saturn at 9:47 AM PDT, especially if said bosses, etc., are male, older or carry a lot of male energy.

Later the Moon trine Venus at 12:41 PM PDT adds some sweetness back into what could be a fractious start to our Saturday. Beauty routines, love, money and business all benefit from this aspect.

Gaming, tech work and anything else tech oriented or unusual get a big boost when the Moon conjoins Uranus at 6:34 PM PDT. Enjoy!

And that's a wrap for our Saturday!

Wishng you had a way to know exactly what plans will give you the financial boost you're looking for? Schedule a session with me and together we will sort out your best options. And if you missed Friday's aspects, you can check them out here.

Have a fabulous Saturday--despite the last than spectacular aspects early in the day, and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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