Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sunday 1 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for 1 August 2021.

Creativity combines with communication savvy for a one, two punch when the Sun conjoins Mercury at 7:07 AM PDT. Writers, bloggers, podcast creators--anyone who has a message to get out, might want to consider doing so now. Keep in mind the waning Moon was yesterday, so stick to things that are already in place rather than dropping links to new products, services, etc.

Fluctuations in your healing work around love and money are likely when Venus forms a quincunx to Chiron at 10:16 AM PDT. There may be situations developing around you that stimulate you falling back into old patterns, so stay awake and don't fall back.

Intuitive faculties are lit when the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune at 11:13 AM PDT. This is a gentle boost that's good for art, music, dance, movies and intuition--if you have a mind to participate in such activities now.

Mercury in opposition to Saturn at 2:50 PM PDT calls for diplomacy in communications with elders, bosses, people who hold power, and, of course, Saturn ruled Capricorns.

Take that last one and kick it up a lot when the Moon forms a trine to Pluto at 4:01 PM PDT. Here we're talking about dealings with people who are power brokers, including all the people named above, except Capricorns. Replace them with Scorpios. Genuflect and pay proper respect and you should be just fine.

We're back to genuflecting to bosses, Capricorns, people who wield power, etc., when the Sun opposes Saturn at 11:14 PM PDT. This time add the creatives--who may chafe at having to genuflect, but you gotta do, what ya gotta do. So, do it with a smile.

If you missed Saturday's aspects, you will find them here. And if it's time to have a check in on how your goals are tracking or any other personal concern, schedule a session with me here. I look forward to serving you.

Wishing you peace and ease on this busy Sunday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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