Friday, July 16, 2021

Sunday 18 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 18 July 2021.

We begin with Venus/Pluto quincunx at 12:48 AM PDT creating fluctuations around matters of love, money, sex and power. This could put a damper on romantic plans for the evening. Keep this in mind if someone is pushy with you or acts out in other ways.

The Moon trine Mercury at 6:13 AM PDT is great for communications and travel concerns. It's also good for business matters, making changes, handling correspondence, teaching or speeches--if you need to give one.

The Moon square Saturn at 6:45 AM PDT could cause problems with bosses or other people who wield power, It could also cause problems with career concerns, business, long term projects, or any activity that requires discipline.

Mercury quincunx Saturn at 10:13 AM PDT could create challenges around communications with or around bosses, as well as actions/travel pertaining to business, career and authority figures.

This is apparently the universe's day for quincunxes as Mars now forms a quincunx to Neptune at 11:21 AM PDT and situations could become nebulous indeed. Pay attention to matters concerning business, contracts, and partners/partnerships. For now, just make note of things. I wouldn't try to fix anything under the aegis of these aspects, but be prepared to have discussions and or take action at a later date.

An opposition between the Moon and Uranus at 12:00 PM PDT just adds more eccentric behavior, sudden shifts, surprises and changes to the earlier energies of the day. This is a good day to make note of what you see, and then plan how you want to handle any challenges that crop up at a later date.

And, fortunately, that's all for Sunday. 😟

If you missed Saturday's aspects, check them out here. And if what you're seeing around you is unnerving and you could use some help sorting things out, schedule a session with me here.

Here's hoping we move through these aspects with little to no long term worries and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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