Friday, July 16, 2021

Divination 18 July 2021

Greeting friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 18 July 2021.

Well, the child is back--also known as a young or inexperienced person (tRump). We begin with home and family stability, a gift and the young or inexperienced person. (house, bouquet, child) As you're probably aware the Attorney General of New York has brought charges against tRump's financial officer Alan Weisselberg. He was really only a bookkeeper, but had the glorified status of being the Trump Organization's financial officer.

We shall see how that works out for him.

Next, success is eaten away and that information is in the news (Sun, mice, Star). And in the future it becomes clear that home and family stability + success was key, possibly by messages the investigators discover and reveal in the news (house, Sun, key and rider). In addition home and family stability is eaten away leading to changes in the future (house, mice, and stork). And it looks like there will be more news about tRump and changes (child, Star, stork).

What's really key to all of this is the fact that tRump looks like he will be found to have been a key figure in this tax evasion scheme, pretty much from the beginning (key, mice, child). I recently heard that he had a hand in the way the money for the tRump Organization was handled. It remains to be seen what Weisselberg has to say. We shall see if tRump is thrown under the bus by Weisselberg...the plot thickens.

And that's enough of tRump.

Looking to see how your future is stacking up? Schedule a session with me here. And if you would like  to see what the aspects for Sunday look like. Check them out here.

Wishing you far better luck this week than either Weisselberg or tRump are likely to experience and I will see you back here tomorrow!



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