Saturday, July 10, 2021

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 14 July 2021.

A potential brilliant, but possibly sleep disturbing trine between the Moon and Uranus arrives at 3:25 AM PDT. Set your alarm and see if some brilliant ideas are ripe for the picking in the wee hours of the morning. Shocks and surprises are also possible now.

The Moon forms a sextile to the Sun at 6:46 PM PDT, giving our creative and intuitive abilities a bit of a boost. This is also a good time to take action on key goals, advance important projects or even make moves toward wealth and success.

We run into potentially deceptive people and or confusing situations when the Moon opposes Neptune at 7:17 PM PDT. Diplomatic handling is best for now. Wait until you have more clarity before making any decisions about people and or potentially challenging situations.

The Moon forms a trine to Pluto and is immediately void of course at 11:46 PM PDT. 😐 We don't have to wait too long, as the Moon enters Libra early (7:31 AM PDT Thursday). Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the void period.

And that folks, is the end of our Wednesday astrological adventure.

Need to check out Tuesday's aspects? You will find them here. And if you need to find out where to put your focus for work/business succes, schedule yourself here for a session with me. I look forward to serving you. 

Wishing you a successful hump day and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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