Thursday, July 29, 2021

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Greetings friends and elcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 4 August 2021.

The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 12:38 PM PDT and is immediately void of course until 2:17 PM PDT when it enters the home and family waters of Cancer. Take care of all things nesting, family life, and maternal or paternal love oriented during this Moon transit.

Look for creative methods to do your inner healing work when the Sun forms a trine to Chiron. Think gardening, activities involving movement, or things that make you laugh for starters.

We get a late in the day power boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Mars at 10:12 PM PDT. This is great for working on key goals, advancing activities that empower you, or just working out. But keep in mind this aspect could create sleep problems. So, have a sleep aid handy if you need one.

And that's all for Wednesday.

You can review Tuesday's aspects here. And if your home and family life is giving you some challenges, consider scheduling a session with me here. I look forward to being of service.

May you have an amazing and wonderful Wednesday! I look forward to seeing you here again tomorrow!


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