Thursday, July 29, 2021

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 3 August 2021.

The Moon forms a sextile to the Sun at 12:30 AM PDT giving a gentle boost to our creative and intuitive faculties--if we're awake in the middle of the night, that is. This doesn't mean you can't do a bit of creative work or intuitive sleuthing before you call it a day. 😉

Later the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury at 5:12 AM PDT and getting a bit of communications work in at the top of your day might work well for you. This could pertain to your business, contracts, finances, or other forms of information, including balancing ye old checkbook.

You might want to take the above hint seriously considering that there are obstacles to love and money coming up when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 8:25 AM PDT. Handle the love/money thing very carefully now.

Communications and tech also hit the skids when Mercury forms a square to Uranus at 6:57 PM PDT. suggestion--take care of your communications as early as you possibly can today.

And the hits just keep on coming when the Moon forms a square to Neptune at 11:55 PM PDT. Obstacles, deceptions, sneaky behaviors, you name it--it's all a possibility now. Believe none of what you see and hear until you have more clarity later in the week.

Thanksfully that's all for this not so hot Tuesday.

If you'd like to check out my availability, you can schedule yourself here. And Monday's aspects you will find here. I hope you find the information helpful.

Wishing you an easy, breezy passage through today's aspect minefield and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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