Monday, August 16, 2021

Friday 20 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 20 August 2021.

Mercury trine Uranus at 1:06 AM PDT is still within the void period that began yesterday, so maybe some gaming or light tech work, but nothing critically important should be done until...

The Moon enters Aquarius at 1:49 AM PDT and now you can jump in, technically speaking, with both feet. Gaming, tech work, hanging out with friends/group associations and all things wild and wooly, including astrology, are up for considerations now.

Later a trine between the Moon and Venus ushers in all things love/money oriented, along with business concerns, beauty related tasks, luxury purchases, + romantic experiences are in the spotlight now.

We get down to serious business when the Moon conjoins Saturn at 4:55 PM PDT. Think anything related to debts, conservatism, caution, business and or endings--all of these issues can be handled now.

And that's all for Friday.

Ready to take a look at your personal options where business, relationships or finances are concerned? You can schedule a session with me here. And if you need a second look at Thursday's bevy of  catastrophic aspects, you will find them here.

Take care, make it an awesome day and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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