Monday, August 16, 2021

Thursday 19 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 19 August 2021. And before I say anything else, back up all your electronic equipment, stat!

We have a far calmer day energetically than yesterday's frenzied astro fest, starting with a sextile between the Moon and Neptune at 12:59 PM PDT. This aspect is great for meditation, a bit of art work or music--and you can even use this aspect to get in an afternoon nap! Pleasant dreams!

The Moon conjoins Pluto at 4:59 PM PDT and is then void of course until Friday at 1:49 AM PDT. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the void period.

The Sun opposes Jupiter at 5:28 PM PDT, which isn't a great aspect to begin with, plus the Moon is void (what a day). Optimism regarding romance, creative work or kids is the most likely way this aspect would outpicture, but obviously during a void period you will need to trim your expectations back--completely.

Uranus stations retrograde at 6:40 PM PDT--see my note in the first paragraph. Aquarians, you may see a return of scenarios you thought you had already handled. Along with technology, communications could be a mess too. Be prepared, it may be awhile before your primary goals see any forward movement. Uranus is retrograde through the remainder of 2021 and stations direct 18 January 2022.

And that's all for this rather energetically craptastic day.

So, what are you working on this year? Could you use some insight into how to move forward and would you be interested in a free coaching session with me? If the answer is yes, you can schedule yourself here. I look forward to serving you. 

Need to see the aspects for Wednesday? Check them out here.

Thanks for hanging out with me here, I appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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