Monday, August 9, 2021

Next Level Ish

Greetings friends and welcome to

Cutting right to the chase, I spent the weekend in the hospital. Not fun. I am okay, but in keeping with what I already had planned, there are some interesting, and even exciting changes coming in terms of what I do and how I serve you going foward. 

But first let's talk about the New Moon in Leo and what that might mean for you. The New Moon at 22 degrees of Leo is off kilter and should have been in Virgo. At 22 degrees there was only a little over seven degrees left in the sign of Leo before the switch to Virgo. So, really what we're looking at is the New Moon in Virgo. And any planets you may have in Virgo will be impacted now since the Moon is already at one degree of Virgo.

Since I have planets in Virgo, I could be the canary in the coal mine, so to speak, with regards to what's coming. My Virgo planets are Mercury and Pluto. Yeah, Pluto, the Lord of Transformation is in the House. And while your planetary alignments might be different if you're younger, Pluto is still in the house, because it's currently transiting in Capricorn. And by month's end Mars (currently transiting in Virgo), will trine retrograde Pluto. Change is definitely afoot. Areas of life experience personally to be determined by your chart, but in general, health, work/career, bosses, small animals. Keep an eye on your elders and your pets, especially around areas of health. And watch for shifts in your own health/work situations. 

Mutable sign natives of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini (plus cardinal sign Capricorn) and anyone with planets in the aforementioned signs, this is your rodeo.

I will be returning to something resembling normal Wednesday. Expect a few changes in blogging and services, most notably free coaching. I will be doing 100 free coaching sessions starting this week. Some of you might remember I recently (finally) received my coaching certification. Mars in my sixth house of work, health, and service has thrown me into the deep end of the pool, but I don't see any reason to hesitate. I was planning these changes anyway--just without the trip to the emergency room.

Please be patient with me while I get up to speed. Forced changes are not fun. But I plan to be back up and running and you will be able to sign up for free sessions--two hours per person, hopefully (fingers crossed) by Wednesday. I will start off somewhat slowly, so as not to overdo. But once the site is ready, you can sign up and off we go!

Meanwhile, enjoy a video I found. It was especially helpful as I was moving through this forced transformation of my health, work and service situation. Hopefully any changes you personally have to deal with will be gentle and easy. Until next time, take care, and I will be talking with you again soon.

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