Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Thursday 12 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 12 August 2021. 

This forecast is going to be short and sweet, but first I wanted to share what's been going on behind the scenes in case you don't follow me on social platforms. I spent last weekend in the cardiac ward of my local hospital. 😑 It was unexpected and probably about as much fun as you can imagine it was. The tests were inconclusive, but it appears that a) I didn't have a heart atttack (thank goodness), but I probably and deficient in estrogen. Which is probably more than you ever wanted to know about me personally. To learn a bit more about what the astrological triggers might have been that brought all this about, you can see my previous post here.

I am postponing the free (that's right) coaching until next week. More about that in a minute.

Meanwhile Thursday had just one aspect, a Moon trine to Saturn at 5:32 AM PDT. Great for business, discipline oriented situations (or being taken to the woodshed by the Universe), ambition, consolidation, matters of control, indurance and karma. And that's all for Thursday.

If you're thinking it's about time for a session to get clear on goals, consider waiting till next week where (like the sign says above) you will have life and intuitive coaching + astrology available from me--for two hours, for free (first 100 to book and no strings attached), once I give the word. I am looking forward to being of service.

All good juju you want to send my way is deeply appreciated and I wish you a fantastic day. See you back here tomorrow!


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