Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Saturday 14 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 14 August 2021.

A chatty vibe in the wee hours of the morning is what we have when the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury at 12:33 AM PDT. You can also run errands in your local area, late night chat on social platforms or get moving on that novel you're wanting to finish! 😉

Sticking to a plan may be difficult when Venus forms a quincunx to Jupiter at 3:58 AM PDT. The problem may just be your desires are a wee bit too big (Jupiter). Trim your expectations and maybe then you can get things done.

Obstacles due to authority figures or discipline oriented tasks are likely when the Moon forms a square to Saturn at 8:54 AM PDT. It may just be what needs to be done is a grind; that's possible too...

You should have a bit more of an energy boost to get things done when the Moon forms a sextile to Mars at 10:08 AM PDT, so make haste while the Sun shines.

Be prepared to exercise diplomacy if you come into contact with an unusual person or situation when the Moon opposes Uranus at 6:18 PM PDT. Be your best, diplomatic self for the time being. Note too, your electronics could also create some challenges.

Fluctuations between creativity and deception could cause confusion when the Sun forms a quincunx to Neptune at 9:13 PM PDT. Not sure what you're dealing with is truthful? Try postponing decision making or taking action until you have more clarity.

And that's a wrap for Saturday!

Need a look at what's up for Friday? You will find that information here. And if you're thinking about having a session, you can schedule with me here--or wait until next week, when I will be offering free coaching/intuitive sessions. Your pick.

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday irregardless of the funky energies and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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