Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Friday 13 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 13 August 2021.

I just noticed...Friday the 13th...😅 oh well. We start the day with a sextile between the Moon and Sun at 1:13 AM PDT. This is a gentle boost for creatives or intuitives burning the midnight oil. Night shift workers can also probably come up with some pretty good intuitive solutions at work now, if need be.

Obstacles and challenges having to do with bosses or other powerful people are likely when the Moon forms a square to Pluto at 8:20 AM PDT. I am going to suggest you not go toe to toe with any bully at this point, Pluto is nothing to play with...

Fluctuations in focus, intent and action from bosses or other people in power are possible when Mars forms a quincux to Saturn at 9:27 AM PDT. Then again you just might have trouble taking disciplined action now. So, if need be, assert your own discipline and get things done.

The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 1:39 PM PDT and is immediately void of course (darn, a waste of a great aspect). Avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon switches signs to Scorpio at 5:01 PM PDT. All activities involving transformation, sex, power, growth, and regeneration are empowered the next couple of days during this Moon transit.

And that's a wrap for Friday the 13th!

Need to gain some clarity for key situations and goals? You can book with me here or you can wait until next week and book a free two hour coaching session with me. Your choice 😉

Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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