Monday, August 23, 2021

Thursday 26 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 26 August 2021.

Venus in opposition to Chiron at 6:24 AM PDT may trigger some of your inner child stuff around relationships or money. Stay aware so that your reactions are appropriate to who you are now and not who you were as a young and defenseless child.

Power communications can be made when Mercury forms a trine to Pluto at 7:23 AM PDT. Make a mental note to be up early and take advantage of the opportunity to be heard.

We run into potential challenges/obstacles with bosses or other authority figures when the Moon forms a square to Pluto at 11:02 AM PDT. Definitely not the time to pick a fight with the boss. Whatever concerns you have will be best saved for a better day--in the next lunar cycle!

Later the Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter at 2:14 PM PDT  and is then void of course until the Moon enters Taurus at 9:27 PM PDT. Take care of your money situations, business, beauty routines, and anything related to comfort, elegance or luxury during this transit.

And that's all for Thursday!

Did you catch my post on life coaching? If not, you will find it here. And if you missed Wednesday's astrological forecast, you will find it here.

Wishng you an easy, breezy experience through the void period and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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