Monday, August 23, 2021

The Life Doctor


Life is nuanced and success can be even more nuanced. The challenges you have today will be replaced by the problems of tomorrow. That is just how life works. You can try sorting them all out on your own, or you can get help.

I am a former military radio and television broadcaster. I have worked 15 years as an intuitive, astrologer and just recently a certified life coach and hypnotherapist. I have helped people land jobs, successfully navigate legal situations, and discern which relationships were for real and which where motivated by something like your money. And I can help you too, because sometimes the right person by your side is your coach.

Recently I did a divination that said women business owners would experience a drop in success over time. And that is because business, like life, is nuanced and always changing. As a business owner who uses socia media that was concerning. After taking a closer look at the energy of that divination I realized that many people use social media platforms without understanding it's pay to play. So, you can post your heart out on social media and not necessarily reach your desired outcomes. Having someone on your team to be able to discern things like this is a necessity, both in your personal life and in your business. 

You know that nagging feeling? Something isn't quite right in your relationship, in your business or just in your life generally speaking? That's where I come in. You don't want to slug it out in the trenches. They call it life coaching, but really it's more like being the life doctor.

There are several ways you can work with me. First of all everyone has an opportunity for free coaching. After your free session you can book sessions as you need to. And if you have really big goals like a legal case, trying to find Mr. or Ms. right, or a manifestation that is going to take awhile to reel in, then consider Quantum Coaching to help you achieve your aims. You can schedule yourself for your first session here.

I am here to help. And while it's called Life Coaching, I tend to think of it as being a life doctor. If you want to live your best life, I am ready to help. Be Extraordinary! Be Exclusive, Be Exceptional!

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