Friday, August 13, 2021

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 18 August 2021.

It's a very busy day aspect wise and we begin with obstacles to love and money when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 3:27 AM PDT. Remember this aspect and make careful choices financially as we move into the middle of the week.

Doing some anger management and inner child work is key when Mars forms a quincunx to Chiron at 7:09 AM PDT. You or someone near to you may be having a moment. This wouldn't be an ideal time to have a lengthy discusssion. Just make note of what's wrong and plan a short discussion at a less feisty moment.

Speaking of feisty, Mercury conjoins Mars at 8:28 PM PDT and if you managed to dodge an anger management bullet earlier today, be prepared to do so again. But wait, there's more...

The Moon trines Mars at 8:37 PM PDT and if the Universe isn't signaling get up and shake your groove thing, walk, run, etc., I don't know what it's doing. Just don't let the energy devolve into something like a physical fight or a heavily heated argument. 

But wait, now we will want to talk about all of this buzzy, high octane energy when the Moon forms a trine to Mercury at 8:38 PM PDT (has the Universe got jokes or what?). At least we're moving out of the Mars zone, but the previous aspects are still in force, so keep that in mind and watch what you say + how you say it.

And last, but not least is a sleep busting Moon/Uranus trine at 11:59 PM PDT--you know, Uranus, the high vibe, intuitive, higher octave of Mercury. If ever there was a day to start your novel, or otherwise aggressively do some communications work, it couldn't be a more heavily Mercury/Uranus day than this. So, don't just sit there, get your book started!

And that ladies and gentlement is that. Phew!

By now, you probably have already heard that I am now a certificated Life Coach and hypnotherapist--in addition to my 15 years experience as an Intuitive Coach and astrologer. You probably also know that I am doing 100 free session--two hours per person. That's right. For. Free. 

You can schedule yourself and have an opportunity to clarify goals, see where your chart is showing the likelihood of restructuring or transformation, whatever you like--for free. I am very much looking forward to being of service, schedule your personal appointment here. And if you would like to check out Tuesday's aspects, you will find them here

I don't know about having an easy, breezy day, but I'm going to wish you an awesome day anyway, and I will see you back here tomorrow! 


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