Friday, August 20, 2021

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Welcome friends to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 25 August 2021.

Night shift workers get a gentle boost of organizing and disciplining energy when the Moon forms a sextile to Saturn at 3:58 AM PDT. Those who live in points east of PDT may also find this aspect helpful with business, work that requires control, consolidation, building, or dealings with institutions.

Be diplomatic in handling love and money matters when the Moon opposes Venus at 8:57 AM PDT. Friendships, partnerships, personal income concerns and anything having to do with sexual relationships may also require careful handling now.

And that's all for Wednesday.

If you have some really big goals you'd like to see manifest and could use some help, book a session with me here. And you will find Tuesday's aspects here if you need a second look.

Wishing you a peaceful path through today's rather interesting aspects and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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