Thursday, April 8, 2021

Divination 11 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 11 April 2021.

It could be a confusing week for Biden or other government officials because their forethought doesn't appear to be working as planned (clouds, ship, tower). I am a little ahead of myself, so let's just say the confusion has to do with money and stability (clouds, anchor, fish).

There's already word on the street about the money showing up in the past (key, birds, fish). For some reason the gift of stability appears dead in the water (gift, anchor, coffin). And how this riddle is solved remains to be seen...perhaps next week. 😓

If you have mysteries you're trying to solve, schedule a session with me and together we will sort things out.

Till next time, take care and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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