Thursday, April 8, 2021

Sunday 11 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 11 April 2021.

We have an early morning chatty aspect with the Moon conjoining Mercury at 1:46 AM PDT. Night owls can take care of their communications along with anything related to business, finances, love or travel.

The New Moon arrives at 7:31 PM PDT--yeah, I know, nearly a day later (at 22 degrees of Aries). With only 30 degrees in a sign, it's nearly time to say goodbye to Aries...

Love, money and sex run into obstacles that could become heated or perhaps even dangerous when Venus squares Pluto at 8:20 PM PDT. This isn't the time to take anyone to task about anything. Periodt!

This is especially so since the Moon forms a sextile to Mars at 8:59 PM PDT. While this would ordinarly be a gentle energy boost, with a square to Pluto already active and Mars the lower octave of Pluto, no. Now is a really good time to lie low.

And thankfully that's it for Sunday. 😟

So, you've got ambitions for 2021, yes? Confidence, maybe even a year for a rebirth? If you could use some help kick starting things, schedule a session with me and let's get things moving for you.

Wishing you a peaceful easy Sunday, despite some interesting aspects and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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