Saturday, April 10, 2021

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 13 April 2021.

The Moon forms a conjunction to Uranus at 6:18 AM PDT and we're off to the races! Shocks surprises and a lot of support for gaming and all things tech are all available now.

Later we could run afoul of bosses and other authority figures, experience business challenges, and or money concerns when the Moon forms a square to Saturn at 11:30 AM PDT.

Take your creativity for a walk on the wild side when the Sun forms a sextile to Mars at 4:09 PM PDT. Taking action, having courage, and engaging in sports all get a gentle boost from this aspect as well.

And that's it for Tuesday!

Have love and money matters got you scratching your head? Schedule a session and find out what you can do to set things straight.

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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