Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday 3 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 3 July 2021.

The Moon hops into Taurus at 5:28 AM PDT and we are free to roam about now. Take care of your money and love situations, beauty routines, activities for concrete results and or inner peace/meditation work now. 

Later a sextile to Jupiter at 9:19 AM PDT gives a gentle boost to travel related situations, higher education, dealings with people at or from a distance or legal concerns.

Tech situations and anything having to do with physical exertion, males and possibly anger management matters are a problem when Mars squares Uranus at 6:40 PM PDT. Obstacles are likely and tempers may flare, so if that happens, take a step back and don't engage.

Things continue to move in unhelpful directions, this time with love and money matters when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 10:44 PM PDT. Business matters, friendships, anything having to do with marriage or partnerships of any kind are affected, so keep that in mind and don't engage if people are angry or obstinate.

And that's how Saturday ends energetically. Yay. 😑

If you're thinking you can do better financially or in your love life, but you just can't figure out which way to go, consider having a session with me. You can schedule yourself here. Check out Friday's aspects here. And I will see you tomorrow, hopefully under much better energetic conditions!



  1. Thank you for these very interesting tips, it's really nice to find articles as interesting as yours! I wish you health, longevity, success, happiness and peace of heart.
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  2. Thank you Julia for your kind words. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
