Friday, July 16, 2021

Monday 19 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 19 July 2021.

We have a lot of aspects to get through today, starting with a sleep enhancing Moon/Neptune trine at 2:33 AM PDT. You might want to set an intention to capture your dreams upon awakening. This aspect is also great for movies, art, music and dance, if you are up in the wee hours of the morning.

Obstacles could cause tempers to flare when the Moon forms a square to Mars at 3:15 AM PDT, something night shift workers will want to be on guard for. Fortunately most of us are probably fast asleep at the time this aspect becomes exact, but this could cause arguments before bedtime or problems for nightshift workers, so keep that in mind.

We get a gentle power boost from a Moon sextile to Pluto at 6:40 AM PDT. You can use this for working out, taking the initiative in key matters, or even a romantic start to your day. 😊

Communications with regards to health and or healing hit a roadblock when Mercury forms a square to Chiron (which is in retrograde status) at 7:52 AM PDT. Make note of key concerns and plan what you desire for outcomes, but don't anticipate big gains in the the health or healing area of life experience right now.

Love and money likewise hit the skids when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 9:27 AM PDT. Plan carefully, note that business concerns, anything having to do with art, contracts, and partnerships are also likely to be problematic now.

The Moon forms a trine to the Sun at 9:30 AM PDT and is then void of course adding to the challenges of the day. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters while the void period is in effect. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:08 PM PDT and then legal matters, sports, higher education concerns, foreign travel or dealings with people at or from a distance are supported.

Later a Moon square to Jupiter at 3:32 PM PDT could put a crimp in legal concerns, higher education and pretty much everything that the previous aspect supported. You might just want to take some time off now and allow the energies to get themselves together before you take any further action today.

Fortunately, that's all for Monday.

If you would like to check out Sunday's aspects, you will find them here. And if you would like to see what's likely to be in the news this week, check out the divination report here. Not worried about the news, but have your own personal concerns you need to get a handle on? Schedule a session with me here.

Wishing you a better day than the aspects promise us and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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