Thursday, July 29, 2021

Monday 2 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 2 August 2021.

The Moon forms a square to Jupiter at 12:41 AM PDT and is immediately void of course until 1:46 AM PDT when it enters Gemini. Activities that require cleverness, communication, intelligence and writing do well during this Moon transit.

Obstacles can lead to frustration and hot tempers when the Moon forms a square to Mars at 6:30 AM PDT. Keep in mind this aspect becomes exact at that time, but its effects will linger through the day. Avoid anger management types if at all possible today.

Read up on ways to heal your past wounds/inner child when Mercury trines Chiron at 8:41 PM PDT. Healing work is always a good thing.

The Moon trine Saturn at 10:19 PM PDT suggests some will be burning the midnight oil and being diligent with business concerns. This aspect is also great for issues concerning discipline, endurance, instituitions, ambitions, practicality and protection.

Later you may be in the right place at the right time for love and or money matters to come together beautifully when Venus trines Uranus at 11:53 PM PDT. May the Force be with you...

And that's a wrap for Monday.

Did you miss the divination report for the week (not to be missed ladies)? Catch it here. And if you need Sunday's aspects, you will find them here. Things not coming together for you career or love wise? Schedule a session with me here and together let's see how to get things moving again for you.

Wishing you a peaceful path through today's aspects and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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